
Let me help you

Grow Your Spiritual Business

Sometimes we have to get up, dust ourselves off and do what we’re here to do. We have to stop having MF’n pity parties and realize we are here to do some really amazing things in the world and follow our calling!

Have you ever felt like you have spiritual gifts, but you’re not quite sure what to do with them?

Have you been operating in your gifts but giving them away for free because you feel like you shouldn’t get paid for your universal skills? Or you’re not good enough to charge your worth?

Do you feel like you’re standing in between two worlds, and you’re ready to work in the light?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these, I can help you!

What if I told you, you could do what you love, get paid well, and help elevate the lives of others in the process?

“Dr. Fran taught me how to open my mind, strengthen my gifts and understand how to use them.” - Heidi R

Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of supporting thousands of people on their spiritual journey. I love helping people step into their true calling in life. I teach spiritprenurs how to walk confidently in their purpose by serving as their personal guide and mentor. With over 25 years of experience as a spiritprenur myself and showing others how to create a remarkable yet impactful life, I want to help you do the same.

You can stay stuck, or you can embrace your miracle; the choice is up to you! Together we do the work to open up YOUR spiritual portal. Everyone is different; therefore, we will explore the best way to help YOU connect to your Heavenly Staff, tap into your true calling and the very reason you are here on this beautiful planet.

“You have profound supernatural help here! You are connected to the source of God within you, and staying connected to it makes you a force to be reckoned with.” Dr. Fran

I don’t teach from books, or a one size fits all mentoring program. I will guide you personally with direct downloads I receive from Spirit and give you spiritually guided intelligent information that will help reveal your Soul’s Roadmap.

I work with people who are highly sensitive, empathic, healers, intuitives, and those who aren’t sure what their gifts are, but they know they’re there. Our work together will help you become the best you can be; once you shift your perspective and step into the unlimited flow of the universe, your life will change!“

Dr. Fran is the real deal; she is a truth-teller and a connection to Spirit. She shares wisdom so profound but yet so easily understood. I felt as if I could change the world after just one session with her. She is SUCH a gift!” – Karen J

I know you were put here to do magical things! Your days of playing small are over! You are a child of God, and you deserve to live like one. It’s truly time to answer you’re calling and stop pretending your not powerful or dynamic…because you are!

Together we will devise a plan to charge your worth, elevate your gifts and hone your skills into a thriving spiritual business that’s continuously profitable, connect deeply with your clientele, and make a massive impact on the world. Are you ready to step into your full potential?

“I didn’t know people like Fran still exist in this day and age. She truly shares prophetic wisdom. I am grateful for her.” – Jacob N

Sign up for my private Spiritual Mentorship program today and book your first session to receive individualized coaching for your unique talents!


“You are connected, therefore you are a force to be reckoned with!”
- Dr. Fran